multistack – oil-博天堂ag旗舰

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recently, a video conference concerning municipal energy conservation and emissions reduction was held in guangzhou. the mayor wen guohui emphasized on the conference that related work must be performed in three aspects.

firstly, make big push for energy conservation and carbon reduction. it is a must to adjust energy supplying structure, exercise strict control over consumption of coal, encourage development of natural gas and renewable energy sources, further develop energy-saving and eco-friendly industries, facilitate green retrofits in manufacturing industry, build low-carbon transport systems and push large-scale development of green buildings.

in hvac&r industry, the best way to save energy and reduce carbon emissions is to work on energy-saving retrofit of central air conditioning systems. traditional units consume great energy but provide low efficiency. oil-free chiller is the ideal substitute featuring high efficiency, energy saving and environment protection. for example, traditional chillers for large buildings consume 70% of the total energy consumption. however, if using oil-free chillers, user can expect energy-saving of 30-50% annually. oil-free units also have eco-friendly and pollution-free features, providing the users with stable and reliable operation, short payback period, oil- and maintenance-free advantages, which are favored by many customers. oil-free chiller will see its rapid development in the future.

secondly, focus on reduce emissions reduction to protect the environment. it is a must to make big push for comprehensive prevention of air pollutions, expand restricted areas to prohibit the burning of highly-polluted fuels, step up efforts for industrial boiler treatment and emission reduction of motor vehicles. water treatment must be continuously pushed forward. treatments for 35 polluted water systems are to be completed by the end of this year.

thirdly, reinforce assessment, supervision and law enforcement inspection. it is a must to implement the target assessment and accountability systems for energy conservation and emissions reduction, and investigate and punish the acts of illegal use of energy and other unlawful activities, such as secret or excessive discharge of pollutants and pollutants leakage.

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